Sunday, August 10, 2008

chop chop

I've been working like crazy this week, so the only news I have to report is that I got my hair chopped. I expected a big reaction, since I was pretty freaked out about how much was taken off...but even the one person who I know hates me with short hair (wait - "hate" is too strong a word, he has "strong objections") was like "oh, it's not that short. it looks cute." And there hasn't been much comment at work either. So either it's much worse than I think and people are just trying to ignore it, or it suits me so well that people aren't quite sure how different it was two days ago.

Anyway, I'll let you be the judges with this very fuzzy computer snapshot...

and please, if you think it's really bad, you have to tell me! It's just hair, it'll grow back but I need to know not to go back to that salon. I think I kind of like least it's something new and it's low maintenance. I'm just still working on how much and what kind of product to use to make it work.

So the London screening is tomorrow, which means that my hell period is over. Then Friday I'm off to Croatia for a week. Yay for sun and sea!

I'll try to blog more before then. Laters!


Anonymous said...

Super cute, luv! Donchya love short hair?


Anonymous said...

Oh, it's so cute... and I'm totally jealous of your Croatia trip. Have fun!

Tiffany said...

I think it looks great! It's not too drastic.
Hope you have a great trip!

Maurissa said...

thanks ladies! you're the best!

Kristin said...


(and I'd set you straight if you jacked yourself up, I swear)

Cappy said...

I love your hair honey!!! And you look AMAZING!!! If I could afford a trip I would come over for a long weekend!!! DAMN gas prices...

Kansas Mom said...

I like it, too, and I hope you had fun in Croatia!