Friday, August 15, 2008

Holiday - it will be so nice

Hey all,

I'm off for my week at sea on the Croatian coast so I'll be offline for a bit. It's been a nice gentle week at work and everyone is back to their normal fun-loving selves, which has been great. Hopefully the next picture I post will be a tanner version of my normal self.

In other news, Matt and I celebrated our 4 year anniversary (dating anniversary, that is - just to avoid any confusion about secret elopements and such) which is a pretty awesome milestone. Hopefully this will be the only one we have to spend so far apart. He's off to a wedding in Chi-town this weekend and then starts his new job on Monday, which I'm very excited about for him.

I just caught up on the gymnastics Olympic coverage and I'm wishing I understood how the scoring works now. It was so much easier when it was all based on a 10 point scale. Those top 3 ladies were phenomenal, though - I can't even imagine. So awesome.

Email me before 3pm my time if you're hoping for a Croatian souvenir of some kind. =) Talk to you soon!

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