Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Hi everyone! Happy Thanksgiving! As it turns out, much like Fourth of July, (and in my opinion Halloween), the Brits shockingly do not celebrate Thanksgiving. And even though all the top people on my project are Americans, I will be working about 80 hours this Thanksgiving week. Oh well, maybe we'll get to celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving next year.

However, I do have a wonderful visitor coming to spend the weekend here, so I'm pretty excited about that. Matt's making the long flight and coming over from today til Monday. We haven't seen each other since April (aside from skype-view) so it's really wonderful that he's coming over for a visit.

Many thanks on this turkey day (in my case, it'll probably be rotisserie-chicken day) to my very supportive family and friends back home, who I miss terribly but and for whom I am eternally grateful. Also a whole slew of thanks for the amazing friends I've met this would have been a cold, wet, grey year in England without all of you brightening up my life. I'm a lucky girl and I'm thankful for all of it.


p.s. I am actually trying to cook a thanksgiving meal - sans turkey - will let you know how it goes. I've got two dishes cooking right now at 7am before I go to work.


Melanie said...

Happy belated Thanksgiving! Hope it was a good one.

Kristin said...

I didn't realize you hadn't seen Matt since April. That's a long time. I hope you are having a great weekend! Miss you,