Thursday, January 31, 2008


I'm boring. I've been trying to come up with something to post about but I've really just been working and adjusting to my new early shift this week.

On Tuesday we had movie night after work and watched "Juno", which I enjoyed much more than I expected to...I had been warned about it trying too hard or being overwritten and I think because I was expecting the worst, I was really pleasantly surprised. I'm sorry but the line "this is one doodle that can't be undid, homeslice" is pretty awesome, especially when delivered by Rainn Wilson.

In prepping for movie night, we were encouraged to bring beverages or extra snacks - they ordered pizza for us but we pitched in on everything else. So anyway, since I'm on the early shift now I had plenty of time to head over to Sainsbury's, the nearest grocery. I bought juice, a little thing of vodka, and some soda. What I did not realize was that the juice was actually "squash". Basically it's super concentrated sugar juice that you need to dilute 4:1. Of course I realized it when I tasted my first sip of the giant glass of cranberry juice I had poured myself. Blech. Later, I realized I should have put out a sign because one of the other Americans did the same thing I did. So that was my lesson on squash.

Also Sainsbury's related, I got my first grocery delivery Wednesday night. That's fantastic! I mean, in LA, I would just feel super lazy ordering groceries to my house. But it's a whole different story when it's about a mile to the nearest large supermarket and it's all being carried by the arms of yours truly. So I got all the heavy stuff delivered - beverages, canned goods, and some nice weighty produce - and maybe a few extras too. I mean, if I'm paying for the delivery why not toss in some pasta, rice and cereal too, right? Anyway, I'm not going to do it all the time but when I'm working long hours, it's a great resource. For the day by day stuff, the Tesco Express down the street is still the best.

So that's my boring news for tonight. Also, I'm definitely going to Paris this weekend. Can't wait! Will fill you in on all the details once I get back!

1 comment:

kinkyrhombus said...

squash! yeah i never got used to it.