Thursday, January 17, 2008

Book SOS!

With all the time I spend on buses and tubes and not having to navigate a car, I've gone through about 4 books in two weeks. So please, if you have any great book recommendations, let me know!

I'm going to start utilitzing the Fulham library, so I can be thrifty and environmentally friendly as well as more literate, all in one go.

As far as genres go, I tend to be a plot-driven, fiction girl. Obviously I'd prefer things to be well written, but I've been known to read my share of airport books too. As long as the plot isn't too predictable nor the writing too insultingly simple, I'm in. And if you have good non-fiction recs, I'm up for those's just not usually my genre of choice.

Thanks all!

Now here's a rec from me to you: I just finished reading "The Gum Thief" - Douglas Coupland - and really liked it. So there you go.

1 comment:

Kansas Mom said...

I consider most current fiction to be airport reading, but that's probably because I just don't read enough of it. I almost always enjoy books by Nobel prize winners. I love just about everything by Sigird Undset (historical fiction set in Norway). Start with The Axe (Vol 1 in the Master of Hestviken). I also love everything by Jasper Fforde (current author, but a bit on the odd side). Try The Eyre Affair.